
You can use Zapier if you have complex automation that you utilize to trigger orders, an unsupported application that is unable to deliver webhooks straight to SignalStack, or a complicated workflow having multiple logics involved.
Zapier creates workflows that can connect any app to SignalStack via webhooks without coding or relying on developers to build the integration, hence helping to automate order execution.

In this documentation, we will explore:

Let’s get started 🚀

Set Up the Actions in Zapier

Configure the actions that you would like the Zapier to perform once an incoming signal is received. You can only set up actions after adding a trigger (an event that starts a Zap) to your flow/Zap, and actions (an event your Zap performs when your trigger event occurs) must be the next step of your Zap.

Sending Signal to SignalStack

Set up an action to send real-time notifications to SignalStack by following the steps given below:

Step 1: Search and select Webhooks across thousands of app options.


Step 2: Select an event that the Zapier would perform on the selected webhook once received an incoming signal from the source app. In this case, we would like Zapier to Fire off a single Post request as json.

Click on the Continue button once done.


Step 3: Copy the webhook address of the broker or exchange generated in SignalStack for which you want to automate the order execution and paste it into the URL field under the Action.


Step 4: Enter the values in the mandatory fields such as json in the Payload Type and Payload body into the Data field.
The rest of the fields are optional.

Click on the Continue button once done.


Step 5: Test action or skip the test and click on the Continue button to configure more actions.


Configuring More Actions

Once you set up an action to send real-time notifications to SignalStack, you can add more actions on the same trigger such as posting on Twitter, Slack, MS Teams, sending emails, and more.
All the actions you set up in a Zap will be executed simultaneously as soon as the specified event gets triggered in Zapier.
You can set up any action as per your requirement by following the steps below:

Step 1: In the Zap editor, click + to add a step to the same trigger.


Step 2: Search and select the option you want across thousands of app options. For example, here Twitter has been selected to post a tweet as soon as Zapier receives an incoming signal from the source app.


Step 3: Select an event that the Zapier would perform on the selected app once received an incoming signal from the source app.
For example, here we would like Zapier to Create Tweet.

Note: You can create any action as per your preference.

Click on the Continue button once done.


Step 4: Connect the app you have selected.


Step 5: Authorize Zapier to access your social app account and continue.


Step 6: Check your username given at the top-right corner of the screen and click on Authorize App button.


Step 7: Once your account gets connected, click on the Continue button.


Step 8: Enter a message that will display in your post (this is a mandatory field).

The rest of the fields are optional.

Click on the Continue button once done.


Step 9: Test action or Skip Test and continue.


Step 10: Click on the Publish Zap button to save your setup and make your automated workflow live.


Your workflow will look as follows:


Note*: You can add more actions to this zap by following the steps given in Configuring More Actions.*

Add an Advanced Workflow in Zapier

You can add branching logic to Zaps with paths that let you build advanced workflows to perform different actions based on different signals received in Zapier. Paths use conditional, if/then logic: if A happens in your trigger app, then do X. If B happens, then do Y, and so on.
We will explore the steps to add a branching logic and publish a zap under the following sections:

  • Create Get Action
  • Add a Path to Your Zap
  • Add Actions to Your Path
  • Add Next Paths to Your Zap
  • Publish Zap

Create Get Action

Configure a Get action via webhooks after setting a trigger in your zap.

Note: Ensure you’ve set up your trigger in the Zap editor.

Step 1: In the Zap editor, click + to add a step.


Step 2: Search and select Webhooks across thousands of app options.


Step 3: Select an event that the Zapier would perform on the selected webhook once received an incoming signal from the source app. In this case, we would like Zapier to Fire off a single GET request as json to grab the data from the input signal.

Click on the Continue button once done.


Step 4: Copy the webhook address of the broker or exchange generated in SignalStack for which you want to automate the order execution and paste it into the URL field under the Action.


Step 5: Enter the values in the mandatory fields such as and Payload body into the Query String Params field and select yes for Send as JSON.

The rest of the fields are optional.

Click on the Continue button once done.


Step 6: Test action or skip the test and click on the Continue button to configure more actions.


Add a Path to Your Zap

With each path, you set up rules and decide which actions should occur when those rules are met. You can only set up paths after configuring a Get action to your Zap, and paths must be the next step of your Zap.

Step 1: In the Zap editor, click + to add a step.


***Step 2:* Search and select Paths.


Two paths - A and B, will automatically be created in a single path group (a group of paths on the same level).


Step 3: Select Path A and in the Name field, enter a name for the first path that allows you to identify it.


Step 4: In the Rules section, set the rule(s) for your path using the three dropdown menus. Each path rule requires three pieces of information:

  1. Field: in the first dropdown menu, select a trigger field to base the rule on.
  2. Rule: in the second dropdown menu, select the rule for the trigger field. Learn more about different rule types.
  3. Value: in the third dropdown menu, enter the specific value the rule must meet.

For example, we have selected Action in Field, Text Contains in Rule, and Buy in Value.

Add Actions to Your Path

Set up an action to send real-time notifications to SignalStack as explained in Sending Signal to SignalStack if the condition specified in the path rule meets. You must add at least one action to a path before you can build another path.

Add Next Path to Your Zap

When you’re done setting up your action(s), click Next Path (Path B) to set up.

Step 1: Select Path B and in the Name field, enter a name for the next path that allows you to identify it.


Step 2: In the Rules section, set the different rule(s) for your path in the same manner as explained in Add a Path to Your Zap. For example, we can set a rule if the action doesn’t contain the value given in the previous path.

Example: Select Action in Field, Text Does Not Contain in Rule, and Buy in Value.

Step 3: Set up an action such as posting on Twitter, Slack, MS Teams, sending emails, and more if the condition specified in the path rule meets. Follow the section Configuring More Actions for this.

Publish Zap

Click on the Publish Zap button to save your setup and make your automated workflow live. Now, Zapier will send notifications to SignalStack which would convert them into executed orders in the connected brokerage or cryptocurrency exchange account automatically.

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